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2020 Zyme "Reverie", Valpolicella, Italy

2020 Zyme "Reverie", Valpolicella, Italy

Regular price $25.00

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30% Corvina, 20% Corvinone, 40% Rondinella, 5% Molinara, 5% Oseleta

The name Zýmē, from Greek, means “yeast.” Yeast is, of course, an indispensable element in the winemaking world, but it also bears a symbolic meaning, the concept of naturalness, a fundamental value in Celestino Gaspari's professional and existential journey.

Reverie is a “junior” interpretation of Valpolicella, a crisp wine suitable for every occasion. Aged in stainless steel tanks. Fresh, savory and full of juicy, fruity accents, light bodied and quite persistent with beautifully layered strawberries, raspberries and cherry notes.

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