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2024 Folk Machine Rosé of Gamay, Arroyo Seco, California

2024 Folk Machine Rosé of Gamay, Arroyo Seco, California

Regular price $24.00

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only 1 left in stock

100% Gamay 

The Hobo Wine Company is the brainchild of Kenny Likitprakong. Kenny grew up at the winery, Domain Saint George, where his father Somchai worked as general manager since 1972. e UC Davis subsequently beckoned, and Kenny started spending time with the professors and students studying organic farming practices. Kenny found his first winemaking job in the Santa Cruz mountains in 1999 before starting Hobo Wine Company in 2002.

Grapes were taken directly to press with just a minimal amount of skin contact time; fermentation in stainless steel with temperature control to keep the fermenting juice cool and the fermentation slow, preserving aromatics and flavors. The result is a fresh and zippy rose full of red fruit. 

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